Visitors welcome
Meeting is $15 for visitors (including meal if attending in-person).
Visitors in All
Industries Welcome
Grow your business in Decatur!
Meet other professionals who are dedicated to expanding their businesses in the Decatur/Morgan County area. Learn how to co-operatively market with each other to cut your marketing cost. Build business relationships, learn practical tips from business experts and use the tools of the Network to impact your profits. Join us !
For any professional who offers products or services for anyone going through a life changing situation: Marriage, divorce, having a child, adoption, losing a child, relocation etc.
Visitors Welcome Meeting is $15 for visitors(meal is included if attending in-person). You will receive an email after registration with the link and password for the online version of the meeting.
Visitors Welcome
Meeting is $15 for visitors(meal is included if attending in-person).
You will receive an email after registration with the link and password for the online version of the meeting.
Combined Leaders/WIT Team Lunch Alliance leaders meet from 11:30-12:30 WIT Team meets from 12:30-1:30 Leaders and WIT Team members are invited to attend both sessions, or they may choose to only attend the one that applies to them.
Combined Leaders/WIT Team Lunch
Alliance leaders meet from 11:30-12:30
WIT Team meets from 12:30-1:30
Leaders and WIT Team members are invited to attend both sessions, or they may choose to only attend the one that applies to them.
Woody Anderson Ford
Share and connect with other female professionals. What works? What are your challenges? What are you doing to overcome those challenges? Share tips, ideas, resources and support. Learn from each other.
Hands-on walk through of all of the benefits available to you and how to use them.
You will receive the zoom link in your registration confirmation email.
For Our Business 2 Business professionals lunch Open to professionals who offer products & services to other businesses. Visitors welcome Meeting is $15 for visitors including lunch.
For Our Business 2 Business professionals lunch
Open to professionals who offer products & services to other businesses.
Meeting is $15 for visitors including lunch.
Online Hands-on Marketing Workshop
Learn the skills and tools to keep your business in front of your perspective customer.
Members of this Alliance will learn to set up a marketing schedule, how to use different social media platforms, automate their marketing.
You will receive the online link in your confirmation email.
et us introduce you to other home professionals who can help you grow your business
For any professional who offers a product or service for the home: mortgage broker, furniture store, insurance, pest control, electrician, etc.
Visitors welcome Meeting is $15 for visitors, including lunch
Meeting is $15 for visitors, including lunch